Giornale dell'I.T.I.S. "G. Cardano" - Pavia


The Rwanda Plan

4 II
Ultima modifica: 1 anno fa

Tempo di Lettura
~ < 1 minuto
Valutazioni: 1
| Media: 5

As the proverb says no matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow, but unfortunately 2022 spring in Britain was not a fresh start! The British government tried to find a solution to ease the burden on Britain’s clogged asylum system and deter future migrants from attempting similar voyages. The UK always had a problem with asylum seekers and immigrants in general,so in 2022 they figured out the Rwanda deportation plan. This consists in relocating illegal immigrants, risking their life travelling England, to Rwanda by plane and finding asylum there. All of this scheme was controversial, in fact there have been protests against it, but to this date the high court says that the plan is “lawful”.

4 II

Valutazioni: 1 | Media: 5

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